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Updates for Second Edition #170

Closed davegurnell closed 4 years ago

davegurnell commented 4 years ago

This is an aggregator thread to track planned updates for a second edition of the book. High level planning should go here, and individual updates should be tracked in their own issues.

In preliminary discussions, @noelwelsh, @arosien and I have discussed a few things we'd like to do:

  1. Change the build system to mdoc

  2. Update to Cats 2.0

  3. Discuss Parallel and modify our discussion of Validated accordingly. I tend to stick to Either all the time these days, using parMapN, parTraverse, and so on to do parallel combination.

  4. Add introductory content on Cats Effect. Possibly just a discussion of the basic type classes and IO. Other books/material can use this as a starting point to bridge further into, FS2, Monix, HTTP4s, and so on.

Is this a complete list? Is there anything else we want to cover?

noelwelsh commented 4 years ago

I'm currently working on the conversion to mdoc. I think we should consider creating a separate web site for the book now that Inner Product is getting involved.

noelwelsh commented 4 years ago

My current progress is on feature/mdoc.

arosien commented 4 years ago

I have started a cats-effect version of the exercise solutions.

noelwelsh commented 4 years ago

feature/mdoc is merged.

noelwelsh commented 4 years ago

I've opened a project for the update, which will be easier to work with. Closing this in preference to the project.

asarkar commented 6 months ago

Came across this thread from this blog post. Given that this ticket was closed, is there a way for interested readers to stay informed on the progress of the new book?

davegurnell commented 6 months ago

Hey @asarkar. Sure! You can follow along by joining the newsletter at

asarkar commented 6 months ago

I'm not interested in the newsletter, thanks. Since the website states that work on the book is ongoing, and this ticket was created 4 years ago, I thought there might be a way to find out an expected release date, if any.

noelwelsh commented 5 months ago

Sorry, there's no expected release date at this point. If you don't want to receive the newsletter, following the commits to the repository is the next best option.