Closed fommil closed 6 years ago
This seems to be a goer... but I'm unhappy with it because it requires the typeclass author to consider four cases. Shapeless doesn't allow for massive divide/conquer and always folds left, so it only considers the case equivalent to case (Solo(fa), Label(fb, lb))
(this means it can never be as efficient as scalaz-deriving
I need to top and tail this, but I am also investigating using type members to be able to dramatically simplify the approach.
sealed trait L[F[_], A]
final case class Label[F[_], A](fa: F[A], label: String) extends L[F, A]
final case class Solo[F[_], A](fa: F[A]) extends L[F, A]
implicit val tcdShow: LazyDivisible[L[Show, ?]] =
new LazyDivisible[L[Show, ?]] {
def conquer[A]: L[Show, A] = Solo(Show.shows(_ => ""))
def divide2[A, B, C](fa: => L[Show, A], fb: => L[Show, B])(
f: C => (A, B)
): L[Show, C] = Solo(
Show.shows { c =>
val (a, b) = f(c)
(fa, fb) match {
case (Label(fa, la), Label(fb, lb)) =>
case (Label(fa, la), Solo(fb)) =>
case (Solo(fa), Label(fb, lb)) =>
case (Solo(fa), Solo(fb)) =>
(yeah, I know it'd be more efficient with Cord
and that I'm missing a F[C] => F[C]
call at the end to wrap with Foo(...)
... this is just a PoC)
ok... I think this is nearly beat. How about abstracting over arity with one of these bad boys?
trait Field[F[_]] {
type A
def label: String
def value: A
def typeclass: F[A]
def shown[A](parts: IList[Field[Show]]): String = { applied =>
all credit to @non
I'm pretty sure this allows us to abstract over arity for applyX
and divideX
, e.g.
def divideX[C[_]: Foldable, Z](f: Z => C[Field[F]]): F[Z]
PR in #1565
This was originally opened as a question about Divisible.conquer but morphed into the realisation that
will need an invariant parent of Apply and Divide to support typeclass derivation.I'll pick this up... I'll create a fresh hierarchy in the stalactite repo and ask for comments there but I'd very much like to get a bincompat version of this into 7.2
original ticket follows:
how can this ever work? In scala we'd typically need to take evidence for
in theconquer
parameter, the current signature means that we must ignore theA
I'm probably going to base contravariant derivations onDivide
(or some variant with labels)// @xuwei-k (you touched it last)