scaleracademy / hackx-submissions

Submissions for HackX Hackathon by Scaler Academy
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Open 1107-itssamyak opened 2 years ago

1107-itssamyak commented 2 years ago

Before you start, please follow this format for your issue title: TEAM NAME - PROJECT NAME - THEME NAME

ℹ️ Project information

Attendance is one of the major critera for students to succeed in many colleges. But in this digital era, maintaining the record manually is time consuming and not that efficient. Record management is not only tedious but can also be manipulated easily. The chances of fraud done by the students increases. We have proposed a solution by creating a super face recognition system that is non-vulnerable, efficient & easy to use. Face recognition is the technology evolving at a very fast pace that uses video/image to verify the user's identity.

  1. Your Theme : Select your theme EDUCATION

  2. Project Name: Give a suitable title to your project ATTENDANCE THROUGH FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM

  3. Short Project Description: One line crisp description of your project Student's image gets captured in the webcamera when permitted by the teacher & hence the attendence is marked present for that particular day.

  4. Team Name: Please mention the same team name as mentioned in Github Handle THE-TRIO-REBOOTS

  5. Team Members: Mention their Names & tag their GitHub handles SAMYAK MEHTA - ANIKET GAUTAM - HARSHITA MEHROTRA -

  6. Repository Link: _Provide us the link to your code.

🔥 Your Pitch

Attendance is one of the major critera for students to succeed in many colleges.But in this digital era,maintaining the record manually is time consuming and not that efficient. Record management is not only tedious but can also be manipulated easily. The chances of fraud done by the students increases.

We have proposed a solution by creating a super face recognition system that is non-vulnerable, efficient & easy to use.Face recognition is the technology evolving at a very fast pace that uses video/image to verify the user's identity.Teachers will have to boot this on their system that will recognize student's faces in real-time & display details simulateously. As for teacher,there is no hassle to keep all the attendance registers for reports later because the attendance is automatically generated(more than once) by the system. The data generated for the report will be accurate and there will be no more misleadingdata since the chances for students to forge is eliminated.

The application first identifies the admin(a student/a teacher). For a new entry of a student , the teacher confirms all the detailed information and this gets stored in the database. Student's image gets captured in the webcamera when permitted by the teacher & hence the attendence is marked present for that particular day.

The admin has the permission to download the digital record for that day with just one tap i.e he/she can directly get the excel sheet with the minimum important student details that include - name, time of attendence, roll no & date.This feature is only applicable to the admins so as the students can't conduct any fraud by just marking them present.

✅ Checklist

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