scaleracademy / scaler-open-source-september-challenge

341 stars 459 forks source link

Challenge #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 #337

Open Vishal-74 opened 1 year ago

Vishal-74 commented 1 year ago

name: Vishal Gupta github_user_name: Vishal-74 discord_id: .awiee

Vishal-74 commented 1 year ago

url -


Vishal-74 commented 1 year ago


challenge 3

Vishal-74 commented 1 year ago

challenge 4

Vishal-74 commented 1 year ago


challenge 5

Vishal-74 commented 1 year ago


challenge # 6

Vishal-74 commented 12 months ago

challenge # 7 2222 1111

Vishal-74 commented 12 months ago

challenge # 8 111 2222

Vishal-74 commented 12 months ago

challenge # 9 1111 222

Vishal-74 commented 12 months ago

completed # 10 100 111

Vishal-74 commented 12 months ago

completed # 11


Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 12 Capture

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 13 23 gist

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 14 Capture Captur

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 15 Capture 2

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 16 Capture 2 3

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 17 resolved

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed# 18

Capture 2 3

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 19

review - i feel that it's easier than using command prompt and the UI is also helps to understand how things are working and what objective we are trying to accomplish.

222 1111

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 20

review - got to learn about github actions but still missing what are the things lint checks for , later i'll read about that through documentation,video,etc

1111 222

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 21 - created a todo list thrugh github actions

222 11111

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 22 learned about creating alias (second name that we can use other than original ~ nickname) easu commands

111 222

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 23 1111

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 24

Pull Requests (PRs):

Descriptive PR Names: Provide clear and descriptive names for your pull requests that reflect the changes made.

Clear PR Titles and Descriptions: Craft PR titles and descriptions that effectively explain the purpose and scope of your changes.

Concise PRs: Keep your pull requests focused and concise. The same principle applies to files and functions within the code.

Use "WIP" for Unfinished Work: If your pull request is a work in progress and not ready to be merged, use "WIP" (work in progress) in the PR title or description.

Screenshots: If applicable, include screenshots to visually demonstrate the changes. You can capture a screenshot using the Command-Control-Shift-4 shortcut.


Seek Good-First-Issues: Look for issues labeled as "good-first-issue" or "help wanted" in our repositories. These are ideal for contributors who are new to the project.

Issue Comments: Before starting work on an issue, comment on it to indicate your intention. This helps prevent conflicts with other contributors who might be interested in the same issue.


Meaningful Branch Names: Start your branch names with a clear group word, such as "WIP - work in progress," to indicate the purpose of the branch.

Separator Choice: Use either "/" or "_" as separators in branch names, and include informative words that convey the branch's intent.

Avoid Special Characters: Refrain from using numbers and special symbols in branch names to maintain clarity.

Additional GitHub Practices:

Unique Repositories: Create a separate repository for each project you work on. This practice ensures organization and clarity.

Regular Branch Updates: Periodically sync your branches with the upstream repository to stay up-to-date with the latest changes.

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 25

still looking for new issue to work on.

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

Completed # 26 Strugglihg to find repo as per my current skills still looking for new repo

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 27 before new challenge update (i.e; 11am) pushed new file through cherry pick process - learned that if the same file is pushed in main branch it will give merge conflict obviously but if we add a new file it won't be a problem

111 Capture

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 28 registered for hacktoberfest and struggling to find a good-first repo refering some vidoes :/

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 29 33

Vishal-74 commented 11 months ago

completed # 30

all challenges completed ✔️ 😄