scaleracademy / scaler-open-source-september-challenge

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Challenge #1 Abhishek Gupta #368

Open A10-g opened 1 year ago

A10-g commented 1 year ago

name: Abhishek Gupta github_user_name: A10-g discord_id: AG10#0621

A10-g commented 1 year ago

Challenge #2 completed!


Screenshot: image

A10-g commented 1 year ago

Task #3 completed Screenshot: image

A10-g commented 1 year ago

task #4 completed! Screenshot: image

A10-g commented 12 months ago

Task #5 completed image

A10-g commented 12 months ago

Task #6 completed! image

A10-g commented 12 months ago

task #7 completed! image

A10-g commented 12 months ago

Task #8 completed! image

A10-g commented 12 months ago

Task #9 Completed : concepts of Git Rebase and Git Squash image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Task #10 completed! image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Task #11 completed! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Task #12 done! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Task #13 done! image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Task #14 done! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

challenge #15 done! image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #16 done! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #17 completed! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #18 done! image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #19 done! Gained experience by using github codespace where I created a branch, modified a file in a repository, commited the changes and then pushed it to the repository. Experience : Setting up the project on codespaces was quiet easy as compared to local environment setup, also there was no involvement of local environment which made it platform independent and no need to install git on the local system beacuse codespaces can be accessed on web browser. image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Completed challenge #20 : Used github action Github action detected the errors in the code automatically and detected it in action tab, was bit overwhelmed by the error I got there. image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

challenge #21 completed! image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

challenge #22 completed! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Completed challenge #23 image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge 24 completed!

Key takeaways for contributing effectively to open source projects

  1. Descriptive Naming: When working on open source projects, it's crucial to use clear and descriptive names for issues, branches, and pull requests (PRs). Avoid lengthy branch names and consider using dashes (-) as separators for readability.

  2. Meaningful Branch Names: Create branch names that convey the purpose of your changes, such as "add-author-name." This helps in identifying who is working on which branch, especially in collaborative environments.

  3. Informative PR Descriptions: Provide a meaningful and informative description for your PRs. Explain the purpose of the changes, the problem they address, and the approach you've taken. Clear PR descriptions make it easier for reviewers to understand your work.

  4. Self-Review: Before assigning your PR to others for review, take the time to review it yourself. Ensure that your code is clean, well-organized, and follows project guidelines.

  5. Issue Tagging: When creating issues, use appropriate labels to categorize them. This makes it easier for contributors to find and work on specific types of issues, improving project organization.

  6. Avoid Blind Commits: Avoid making blind commits without clear commit messages. Each commit should have a concise message explaining what the change does.

  7. Clear Issue Purpose: When creating issues, ensure they have a clear and specific purpose. This helps contributors understand the problem or task at hand and encourages meaningful discussions and contributions.

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #25

Started exploring Open Source for good first issues, as of now the issues that I encountered were outdated or not related to my tech stack. So will keep searching till I find one. image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challemge #26 In continuation of yesterday's task I've found a repository where I can contribute and raise an issue related to it. image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #27 git cherry-pick command image image image image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #28 As of now I haven't received any reply from the maintainer so will find another repository to contribute. image image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Challenge #29 done! image

A10-g commented 11 months ago

Completed task #30 Learnt new stuffs related to git and github.