scaleracademy / scaler-open-source-september-challenge

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Challenge#1 : Pratik Gupta #86

Open GuptaPratik02 opened 10 months ago

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

name: Pratik Gupta github_user_name: GuptaPratik02 discord_id: Pratik Gupta#9997

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Challenge#2 : completed!

URL : Screenshot -
Screenshot (692)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Task #3 completed! Created branch named GuptaPratik02-details Screenshot (695)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Task#4 completed! Updated and synced the main and new branch forked repository locally. Screenshot- Screenshot (699) Screenshot (698) Screenshot (701)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Challenge Task #5 completed! Updated details and Pull request sent successfully. Screenshot (704)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Completed Challenge #7 successfully! Added bad commit and reset it back using git and force push. Screenshot (713) Screenshot (712)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Challenge 9 successfully completed! Used Git rebase and squash commands and squashed the last two commits to one. Screenshot - Screenshot (720) Screenshot (719)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Challenge 10 done. Screenshot - Screenshot (722)

GuptaPratik02 commented 10 months ago

Challenge 11 done successfully. Screenshot of the Task - Screenshot (725)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 15 : Resolved merge conflicts

Screenshot (736) Screenshot (738)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 16 done.

Screenshot (743) Screenshot (741) Screenshot (742)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 17 done. Screenshot (745) Screenshot (746)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 18 done - Used GitHub Desktop and performed some basic git workflow actions. It's nice to use desktop instead of CLI, desktop speeds-up the task or actions we do in CLI, but as new to desktop. I still like CLI to use as it gives more flexibility and ease to perform activities as we want. GitHub Desktop cannot skip CLI fully.

Screenshot (748) Screenshot (749)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 19 done. Used GitHub Codespace, modified a file and pushed the changes to the repository. Experience - GitHub Codespace allows developers to code, build, and collaborate directly within a web browser. The main benefit is - No Local Git Requirement: You don't need to have Git installed on your local machine to use GitHub Codespaces. Everything related to Git and version control is handled within online environment. A developer can start coding and contribute to a project quickly without the need for local development environment setup.

Screenshot (753) Screenshot (754)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 20 done - Used GitHub Action Linting is the automated checking of your source code for programmatic and stylistic errors. A lint tool is a basic static code analyzer. Nice tool by the way.

Screenshot (756) Screenshot (757)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 21 done - GitHub Project Boards.

Screenshot (759) Screenshot (760)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 22 done - Used Alias in commands

Screenshot (765)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 24 done

Learnt Best Practices to contribute in Open Source

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 25 update - As I am new to Open Source, I have never contributed to any other real world repository. I have researched and looked about the repositories and labels that suits me best that I can make my contribution to it. So after lot of researching, I have put an issue to an author to work on that repository and help me to proceed. And another repo I have also found one to contribute in and looking forward to contribute in that also. Hoping to make my contributions soon and successful :) Screenshot for the issue made to one repository -

Screenshot (771)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 26 done -

As I mentioned earlier in Challenge 25, I wrote an issue to author of the repository for help then I received a reply from author and an issue was assigned to me. I took that issue and successfully done by forking and through Git commands and completed the issue by making a Pull request. And YES my PR is also merged and got feedback!! I am so happy. It was nice exposure contributing first time in real world with unknown people :) Screenshot of my PR -

Screenshot (775)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 27 done -

Used Git cherry pick command for copying commits from BranchA to BranchB. Screenshot -

Screenshot (779) Screenshot (778) Screenshot (780)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Day 28 Challenge -

As discussed in my previous challenge 25 and 26, my PR was accepted by Pytorch-Ignite Team. After accepting they merged my code next day in their main branch after passing linting checks and successfully closed my PR :) My first contribution to real world project having above 4K+ github stars in the project. As said in earlier challenges by me, I have been assigned an issue by the same project Pytorch-Ignite to add a feature to the project, it's bit complex to do but still trying.. Till then I will look on my current new issue assigned and will also look to contribute other repositories.

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Registered for HacktoberFest

Screenshot (782)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Task 29 completed : Created Readme file.

Can you help me which is looking better?

Screenshot (787) Screenshot (786)

GuptaPratik02 commented 9 months ago

Day 30 done -

Finally achieved last checkpoint of the challenge. Completed 30 Days of Open Source September challenge successfully.