scaleracademy / scaler-open-source-september-challenge

347 stars 468 forks source link

Challenge#1 : Manu #92

Open Manu024 opened 10 months ago

Manu024 commented 10 months ago

name: Manu M github_user_name: Manu024 discord_id: manu_024

Manu024 commented 10 months ago

forked link -


Manu024 commented 10 months ago

Challenge done for day #3

image image

Manu024 commented 10 months ago

Completed the task for day #4

image image image

Manu024 commented 10 months ago

Challange #9, done for the day.


Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day#10. Commits are reflecing in pull request.

Pull request link -

image image image image image image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge 11 done.

image image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #15 Postlink -> image image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #16


Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #17

Before - image After - image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day#18

Sharing learning process of Github Snapshot image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge completed for the day #19.

Experiencing new level of collaborating with Github Codespaces.


Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #20

image image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #21 image image image image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge completed for day #22 Configuration - image Usuage - image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for the day #24

1.Understand the Project: Before you start contributing, take the time to understand the project's goals, coding style, and guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the project's documentation and roadmap.

  1. Fork the Repository: Begin by forking the project's repository to create your own copy.
  2. Create a Feature Branch: For each feature or bug fix you plan to work on, create a new branch from the project's main branch (usually master or main).
  3. Keep Branches Small and Focused: Break down your contributions into smaller, manageable branches. Each branch should address a single issue or feature.
  4. Code Consistency: Follow the project's coding style and guidelines. Consistency is crucial to maintain code quality.
  5. Frequent Commits: Make frequent, small commits with clear and meaningful commit messages. This makes it easier for maintainers and reviewers to understand your changes.
  6. Test Your Code: Ensure your code changes are accompanied by relevant tests. It helps maintain existing functionality and prevents regressions.
  7. Update Your Fork: Regularly sync your fork with the upstream repository to incorporate any changes made by others.
  8. Document Your Work: Provide clear and comprehensive documentation for your changes. This includes updating the project's README or adding inline comments to your code.
  9. Create a Pull Request: - Once your work is ready, create a PR from your branch to the upstream repository's main branch. Write a descriptive title and provide context in the description.
  10. Request Reviews: - Request code reviews from maintainers or other contributors. Be patient and respectful while awaiting feedback.
  11. Address Feedback Collaboratively: - Be open to feedback and discussions. Respond to comments, make necessary changes, and engage in constructive conversations.
  12. Keep Your PR Updated: - If changes are requested or if there are conflicts, update your PR accordingly. Ensure it remains in sync with the latest changes in the main repository.
  13. Follow Licensing and Legal Guidelines: - Ensure your contributions comply with the project's licensing and legal requirements.
Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Update for Challenge #25

Searched proj to contribute

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Update for Challenge #26

Found a project to contribute and requested for PR


Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #27

image image image image image image

Manu024 commented 9 months ago

Challenge done for day #28.

Successfully contributed to Opensource project.
