scaleracademy / scaler-september-open-source-challenge-2022

Scaler September Open Source Challenge
324 stars 346 forks source link

Challenge 1-30✅ - Rahul Kumar#3373 #105

Open iamrahul8 opened 1 year ago

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

name: Rahul Kumar github_user_name: iamrahul8

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

URL of your forked repository :

A screenshot of the cloned project in my system


iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Day 3

Screenshot of branches :



iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Day 4

Screenshot showing the latest repository contents



iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge - 9

Successfully removed commit created in challenge 8 image


Current status : successfully reset and removed the commit image image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 11

Created new branch image

Current status : image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 13


iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 14

Resolving merge conflicts Screenshot (2291) Screenshot (2294)

Screenshot (2293)

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 16

completed fixed Merge conflict image image image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 17

repo link :

Created repo Using GitHub Desktop
image image


Repo ss - image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 20

Project Board Link Repo Link

image image image image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 21 - Done ✅

Aliases created :


Using aliases:


Uses in another repo : image

kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

Congrats you have successfully completed milestone 2 and you are good to move onto next milestone All the best✅️

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 23 ✅


What needs to be done for effective open source contribution, especially with respect to open source issue creation, best practices around branch/pull request creation ?😕

When we say contributing to open-source, it does not necesarilly mean that you need to know how to code. There are different ways in which you can contribute even if you are a non-coder – but having some coding skills will help you (and the projects) out a lot.

Some common contributions can be through:

Create a new issue

If you spot a problem with the docs, search if an issue already exists. If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue using a relevant issue form. Issues available for community contribution: The following tags mark issues that are open for community contribution: help wanted: Open to participation from the community but not necessarily beginner-friendly good first issue: Open to participation from the community and friendly towards new contributors

The following tags mark issues that are not open for community contribution: 🚧 status: blocked: Blocked by other work that needs to be done first 🧹 status: ticket work required: Needs additional work before it is ready to be taken up 🚦 status: awaiting triage: Has not been triaged by a maintainer

Git Branching Naming

The Git branching model is powerful, but you need to manage the branches correctly and effectively.

  1. Start branch name with a Group word bug-logo-alignment-issue – the developer is trying to fix the logo alignment issue; wip-ioc-container-added – the branch relates to the task to add an IoC container in progress.

  2. Use Hyphen or Slash as Separators eg - feature_upgrade

3.Git Branch with Author Name Many companies prefer to add authors’ names into the branch names according to the format below:


4.Avoid using numbers only 5.Avoid long descriptive names for long-lived branches

Pull Request

A clear, well-built PR is an essential part of a collaborative workflow, and through pairing 1.Give your feature branch a clear name 2.Give your commits and PRs active and descriptive titles For both commit messages and PR titles, it's a good idea to use the present imperative tense — for example, use “Fix dashboard typo” instead of “Fixed” or “Fixes.”

Others Practices


iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 24

Opened good first issues to make contributions

Status :

Issue Opened and Assigned

A* Search Algorithm Clone an Undirected Graph The Knight’s tour problem | Backtracking Algorithm

Opened PR : image image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 25

This is a continuation of the 24th Challenge


PRs Merged⬇ image image image

Looking for more issue where i can contribute 🤞

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 26

Contributed to Syknapse

PR merged ✌


Small help posted in discord 😁 image

Will register for Hacktoberfest as soon as it will live Link

Finally Registered ✅ image

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 27

For contributing to Hacktoberfest , look for beginner friendly issues called good first issues along with hacktoberfest

NOTE : You all have to make your contributions from Oct 1

Some repositories for Contribution

Most important💯 point to be considered during Hacktoberfest


More about open source (Creating issue,PRs has been written above in challenge 23) link

kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

congrats you have completed milestone-3 successfully and you are good to go🎉

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 28✅

Projects where i contributed recently

Opened issue

Created a Repo for beginners

Current status of contribution to open source @iamrahul8

iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 29 ✅

Discussion created/idea pitched


iamrahul8 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 30✅

Finally this is the last step of this entire September Open Source Challenge by Scaler 💙


My major takeaways :

This challenge helps me in brushing my basics git skills. During the challenge phase, I made a few mistakes that helped me discover a few new ideas. Thanks a lot to @shivaylamba for creating all of these challenges, from beginner to advanced.

I will inspire others to participate in open source projects and improve the world. Thank you @kuraakhilesh8230 for smooth checking of entire challenges steps. And everyone who helped me indirectly or directly whenever i need any help in this entire challenge. Last but not least, I want to thank Scaler Academy for organizing this fantastic challenge. I hope that some more this kind of task will be oranised in future.🙌

Thanks , Have a great day☺


kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

congrats you have completed milestone-4 successfully and you are good to go🎉