scaleracademy / scaler-september-open-source-challenge-2022

Scaler September Open Source Challenge
321 stars 345 forks source link

Day_1 #246

Open jaypansuriya104 opened 2 years ago

jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

name: Jay Pansuriya github_user_name: jaypansuriya104

jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

image image

jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

Chellenge 3 image

jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

Chellenge 4

Screenshot from 2022-09-04 17-21-08 Screenshot from 2022-09-04 17-20-46

jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

Chellenge 9

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jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

Chellenge 11

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jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

Chellenge 13


Mrjoy832 commented 2 years ago

Good to Go 👍

jaypansuriya104 commented 2 years ago

Chellenge 14

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jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 16

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jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 17

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jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 20


jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 21

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kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

Congrats you have successfully completed milestone 2 and you are good to move onto next milestone All the best✅️

jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 23

Here's are some tricks that you can learn for basic github use :+1:



In short, the name of these branches should match the naming convention of the rest of the team. the branch name can include words like bug, fix, WIP, the issue it will solve, author name, etc.

Pull Request


jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 24

I am finding for issues that i can contribute and i find one algorithm repository that i can contribute so i make him issue for assigned me ! i am now ASSIGNED to given issue :

Issue link


jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 25

I have try to find solution of given issue and i find solution. After adding changes on repo. i pull request for changes. Here are link of pull request that i have made :

PR link


jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 26

Hectoberfest 2022


jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 27

Rules and regulation for Hectoberfest 2022

  1. Bad repositories will be excluded
  2. Any user with two or more spammy PR/MRs will be disqualified so Avoid Submitting low-quality PULL/MERGE Request.
  3. Maintainers accept PR/MRs by merging them, labeling them “hacktoberfest-accepted,” or giving them an overall approving review. Accepted PR/MRs enter a 7-day review window, during which approval can be revoked by the maintainer or by our team.
  4. Your PR/MRs must be made to a public, unarchived repository.
  5. 4 PR created between October 1 and October 31 and PRs must be made to public, unarchived repository.
  6. PR/MRs should be useful to maintainers. Repos that encourage simplistic PR/MRs (like adding a name or profile to a list or arbitrarily curating content) will be excluded from Hacktoberfest. Remember: quantity is fun, quality is key.
  7. PR/MRs Must be merged or have an overall approving review.
jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 28


I make some of issue request that i can contribute and complete one contribution. Now I'm finding more issue that are suitable for me on tag with HECTOBERFEST.

I have got one more assignes on contributing on open-source-project - Notes app using html ,css ,js Here's my issue assigne link: Assigned2

Screenshot from 2022-09-27 21-10-39

kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

congrats you have completed milestone-3 successfully and you are good to go🎉

jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 29



jaypansuriya104 commented 1 year ago

Chellenge 30

kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

congrats you have completed milestone-4 successfully and you are good to go🎉