scaleracademy / scaler-september-open-source-challenge-2022

Scaler September Open Source Challenge
321 stars 345 forks source link

Challenge_: Harshkumar62367 #330

Open Harshkumar62367 opened 2 years ago

Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago

name: Harsh Kumar github_user_name: Harshkumar62367

Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago


Scaler Screenshot

Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago

Branch screenshot:


Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago

Forked Repo Screenshot:


Local Repo screenshot:


Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago

Challenge 9: Screenshot

Updated forked repo: Screenshot

Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago



Git commands:


Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago

Git stash commands screenshot:


Harshkumar62367 commented 2 years ago

Commands screenshot for Challenge 14:

Screenshot (4458)

Screenshot (4459)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago



Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 17:

Screenshot (4553) Screenshot (4557) Screenshot (4561) Screenshot (4563) Screenshot (4565) Screenshot (4566) Screenshot (4569)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 20:

Link for Project:

Screenshot (4682) Screenshot (4685) Screenshot (4687)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 21:

Screenshot (4691)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 23:

Summary of my understandings after reading those articles :


  1. We should start with a "good-first-issue" tagged issue , if we are beginner to the tech-stack.
  2. To avoid conflicts with others, try informing others that you are working on it by commenting on it.
  3. Try to have a meaningful purpose for creating a new issue and provide a valid reason through proper comments.
  4. Use labels to filter the kind of issue you are looking for.


  1. Try to add username in branch and make sure to not add a long descriptive name.
  2. Branch name should have a Group word like bug/WIP(Work in progress).=
  3. Add unique ID to branch names and make it related to work your are doing.
  4. Use Hyphen or Slash as Separators for easy reading or use camelcase.

Pull Request:

  1. PR should be descriptive.
  2. Link PR to the issue if you are solving one.
  3. Review changes before creating a pull request.
  4. Try to add screenshots showing the functionality of features that you added.
Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 24:


Currently looking for Beginner as well as Intermediate issues. Trying to find a good beginner issue in Web3 space.

Also found this amazing website, which contains several issues on Blockchain and Web3 technology. You can fing the link to website here:

Screenshot 2022-09-26 011923

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 25:

Finally found a beginner friendly repository and opened an issue to the repo.

Screenshot (4792)

Also opened an issue on StackUp platform to improve the user experience

Screenshot (4795)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 26:

Regitered for Hacktoberfect

Screenshot (4886)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 27:

Important tips and rules for OpenSource contribution in Hacktoberfest are as follows:

  1. The PRs and MRs should be in bound dates from 1 oct to 31 oct.

  2. Anyone should not spam in any repos otherwise he will be removed from the program forever.

  3. Contributions with metioned /tagged "HacktoberFest " will be counted only.

  4. Certain links for beginner friendly issues are given:

  5. Follow Standard Git Branching Naming Conventions , such as;

    • Start branch name with Group word • bug-logo-alignment-issue
    • Using unique id : wip-8712-add-testing-module which makes possible to track the progress from external system
    • Using Hyphen ,Slash or Underscore as Separators : feature_upgrade_jquery_version_login_module
    • Using Author Name :
    • Things to avoid while naming branches:
    • Using Numbers only ,using all naming conventions simultaneously
    • Making long descriptive names long-lived branches
  6. For Making a better Pull Request

    • First and foremost , using above things for giving feature branch a clear name.
    • Giving all PRs and commits a active and descriptive title and use present imperative tense
    • Pls should be with meaningful description with
    • Why the code necessary? How you are going to solve ? and What functionality added or changed?
    • Whenever possible showing functionality visually giving reviewer the gist of work beforehand
    • The most important thing is to review our own PR before assigning to others with running tests, linting and to caught up with latest changes
Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 28:

I have been assigned an issue, and tyring to submit a detailed PR as soon as possible.

Link to issue:

Screenshot (5023)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 29:

Ideas that I liked:

  1. Scaler Discord Token Tracker #102:

Screenshot (5030)

  1. Programming Club Discussion Website for College Students #63:

Screenshot (5031)

  1. Algorithm Visualizer #133:

Screenshot (5032)

Harshkumar62367 commented 1 year ago

Challenge 30:

It was a great learning experience with Scaler opensource. I am a GitHub user for more than 1.5 years and it was awesome to learn so much about Git and GitHub, with exciting challenges that push me to explore the world of open source.

Hoping to take part in more challenges in the future related to open source or GitHub by the community.

kuraakhilesh8230 commented 1 year ago

congrats you have successfully completed milestone-4 🎊