Open RidhikaJoshi opened 2 years ago
Before reset
After reset
Challenge 10
Challenge 12
Challenge -14
Challenge -15
Challenge-16: Fixed Merge Conflict. Before:
Repo Link-
Repo Link-
I've gone through the Git Alias documentation. Created 4 alias for git commands(checkout, branch, commit and status) Screenshot of the alias I've created.
Do challenge 20 correctly and attach screen shots of all the files of your project which should show done after moving from inprogress
Created Repository-
Uploaded On GitHub Pages -
Give your feature branch a clear name.
A well-formed PR should start with a well-named feature branch.
Give your commits and PRs active and descriptive titles.
For both commit messages and PR titles, it's a good idea to use the present imperative tense — for example, use “Fix dashboard typo” instead of “Fixed” or “Fixes.”
Streamline your process of creating a new PR.
Give your PR a meaningful description
A PR description section is where you let the reviewer know why you opened the pull request; the more information you give them before they look at your actual code, the easier their job will be. A basic description usually has these elements: Why How and What
Show your functionality visually, whenever possible
Review your own PR before you assign it to others
Issues available for community contribution:
help wanted: Open to participation from the community but not necessarily beginner-friendly good first issue: Open to participation from the community and friendly towards new contributors.
Issues not available for community contribution:
🔒 staff only: Requires infrastructure access or institutional knowledge that would be impractical to provide to the community.
Issues not ready for work:
🚧 status: blocked: Blocked by other work that needs to be done first 🧹 status: ticket work required: Needs additional work before it is ready to be taken up 🚦 status: awaiting triage: Has not been triaged by a maintainer.
Issues without any of the above labels.
Found an issue which is related to my technical skills and I have commented on it if I can contribute:
Currently working on the issue (Kadanes Algorithm in Cpp) found yesterday but this issue is not assigned to me and exploring other issues which matches my level of expertise.
Today I learned about what is hacktoberfest exactly is and I am going to register in that for sure once timer stops. Joined hacktoberfest discord server. Still the previous issue is not assigned to me .
Asked the maintainer to assign me this issue.
congrats you have completed milestone-3 successfully and you are good to go🎉
I have been assigned this issue-
I registered as a contributor in the hactoberfest
Tips to be kept in mind as a contributor for hactoberfest --
Created a pull request for the issue-
Pull request link-
Successfully completed all the challenges. Thanks to Scaler for organizing it, everyone in the community was helpful and encouraged a lot during these 30 days. It was a great learning experience with Scaler Open-Source. As I was a beginner to GitHub so I didn't have even the basic knowledge of using GitHub, but due to these challenges only I was able to learn and understand many new and important things. Lastly,I will continue my journey of open source, really excited about Hactoberfest as this will be the first time I will participate.
name: Ridhika Joshi github_user_name: RidhikaJoshi