scalingexcellence / scrapybook

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Vagrant up --no-parallel You are trying to forward a host IP that does not exist. #65

Open ogola89 opened 4 years ago

ogola89 commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I have searched many forums to try and find a solution, which isn't working for the error I have.

I am not an expert on vagrant/virtualbox/docker and so am not sure if this is a problem with the host or whether it is on my machine. Could you please help me figure this out?

I am getting the following error after running the vagrant up --no-parallel command.

(base) ogola89@Tom-Ubuntu:~/OneDrive/Academia/Computer-Science/Scrapy (1)/Scrapybook$ sudo vagrant up --no-parallel
Bringing machine 'web' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'spark' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'es' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'redis' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'mysql' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'scrapyd1' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'scrapyd2' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'scrapyd3' up with 'docker' provider...
Bringing machine 'dev' up with 'docker' provider...
==> web: Creating and configuring docker networks...
==> web: Creating the container...
    web:   Name: web
    web:  Image: scrapybook/web
    web:   Port: 9312:9312
    web: Container created: ee3c9d40a0e20f9d
==> web: Enabling network interfaces...
==> web: Starting container...
==> web: Provisioners will not be run since container doesn't support SSH.
==> spark: Docker host is required. One will be created if necessary...
    spark: Vagrant will now create or start a local VM to act as the Docker
    spark: host. You'll see the output of the `vagrant up` for this VM below.
    docker-provider: Checking if box 'lookfwd/scrapybook' version '1.0.0' is up to date...
You are trying to forward a host IP that does not exist. Please set `host_ip`
to the address of an existing IPv4 network interface, or remove the option
from your port forward configuration.

VM: docker-provider
Host IP: localhost

I am running the following software:

Ubuntu 20.04 Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0 Virtualbox-6.1.6
Vagrant version 2.2.9.

I have also ran docker-compose pull and everything is up to date.


ghost commented 3 years ago

don't use vagrant! use docker directly. The tutorial you will find in this repo) Good luck