scality / cloudserver

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s3server as a backend for docker registry problem #964

Closed mikasaari closed 6 years ago

mikasaari commented 6 years ago


When using s3 as a backend for the docker registry with docker swarm enabled (latest docker engine used), the docker push kinda works but it loops the push process infinitely. After the push for a layer is done, it retries a few seconds and then pushes the layer again.

Highly possible I have misconfigured something.

Steps to reproduce the issue

I assume the docker swarm is up and running at this point. Also even in swarm mode, I will use constraint to force the container to run in one node, just to easy the debugging task.

# docker network create --driver overlay --subnet testnet

# docker node update --label-add registry=true mds1

# docker service create --name s3test --network testnet --replicas 1 --constraint 'node.labels.registry==true' -e S3BACKEND=mem -e SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY_ID=abcdefghijk -e SCALITY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=kjihgfedcba -e ENDPOINT=s3test -e LOG_LEVEL=trace -p 8000:8000 scality/s3server

# aws configure
  AWS Access Key ID [****************hijk]: 
  AWS Secret Access Key [****************dcba]: 
  Default region name [us-east-1]: 
  Default output format [json]: 

# aws s3api --endpoint-url= create-bucket --bucket registry
    "Location": "/registry"

# aws s3 --endpoint-url= ls --recursive s3://
2017-10-25 17:15:28 registry

# docker secret create registry.crt registry.crt

# docker secret create registry.key registry.key

# docker service create --name registry --replicas 1 --network testnet --secret registry.crt --secret registry.key --mount type=bind,src=/mnt/registry/config/registry.yml,dst=/etc/docker/registry/config.yml --constraint 'node.labels.registry==true' -p 5000:5000 registry:2

# docker pull nginx

# docker tag nginx:latest registry:5000/nginx:latest

#  docker push registry:5000/nginx:latest
  a1a53f8d99b5: Retrying in 6 seconds 
  453fc2d51e11: Pushing [=====>                                             ]  5.978MB/53.03MB
  cec7521cdf36: Pushing [=>                                                 ]   1.61MB/55.25MB

Actual result

Docker push, pushes all the layers again and again

Registry debug from stdout (only error part added)

# docker service logs -f registry
registry.1.pse49kc3z0bx@mds1    | time="2017-10-25T14:44:54.485179003Z" level=error msg="unknown error reading request payload: unexpected EOF" environment=staging go.version=go1.7.6"registry:5000" http.request.method=PATCH http.request.remoteaddr="" http.request.uri="/v2/nginx/blobs/uploads/a8549665-9b17-40cd-a233-f75b54c9eea8?_state=lQXcGQ1G3z8SMJm_FATk_o1LxQ1EFCosxGkDcRELE-l7Ik5hbWUiOiJuZ2lueCIsIlVVSUQiOiJhODU0OTY2NS05YjE3LTQwY2QtYTIzMy1mNzViNTRjOWVlYTgiLCJPZmZzZXQiOjAsIlN0YXJ0ZWRBdCI6IjIwMTctMTAtMjVUMTQ6NDQ6NTQuMjUyMDEyNjU2WiJ9" http.request.useragent="docker/17.10.0-ce go/go1.8.3 git-commit/f4ffd25 kernel/3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 os/linux arch/amd64 UpstreamClient(Docker-Client/17.10.0-ce \\(linux\\))" service=registry vars.uuid=a8549665-9b17-40cd-a233-f75b54c9eea8 version=v2.6.2 

s3server logs, errors only

s3test.1.v8rp0r916qud@mds1    | {"name":"S3","bucketName":"registry","objectKey":"docker/registry/v2/repositories/nginx/_uploads/84ceb032-eb38-4450-b771-14dd0d60cf85/data","bytesReceived":203,"bodyLength":203,"implName":"memorybucket","err":{"code":404,"description":"The specified key does not exist.","NoSuchKey":true},"time":1508942717985,"req_id":"caae8b47dc4aa549de46","level":"debug","message":"error from metadata","hostname":"32df6a99cdca","pid":101}

Expected result

Docker push would push the layers only once

Additional information: (Node.js version, Docker version, etc)

Docker Name : docker-ce Version : 17.10.0.ce Release : 1.el7.centos

Additional information


version: 0.1
  level: error
  formatter: text
    service: registry
    environment: staging
    accesskey: abcdefghijk
    secretkey: kjihgfedcba
    region: us-east-1
    regionendpoint: http://s3test:8000
    bucket: registry
    encrypt: false
    secure: false
    v4auth: true
  addr: :5000
    X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff]
    certificate: /run/secrets/registry.crt
    key: /run/secrets/registry.key
    enabled: true
    interval: 10s
    threshold: 3
LaurenSpiegel commented 6 years ago

Hi @mikasaari, can you please provide more of the s3 logs? The error you are showing is irrelevant. It is just showing the error our in-memory metadata is returning when we check to see if there are acl's on the object you are putting (you would expect a 404 on a new object).

mikasaari commented 6 years ago

Hi. Here is zerobin link to the longer log:

LaurenSpiegel commented 6 years ago

Nothing helpful jumps out to me in the logs. It is odd that there is a NoSuchBucket error after there has already been successful requests handled. As an experiment, instead of using the mem backend, will you try file? Just don't set the "-e S3BACKEND=mem".

mikasaari commented 6 years ago

Hi. I have tried mounting data and metadata directories to LVM volume. All data directories are created but exactly same problems occur. I assume file would be exactly the same, but will test it tomorrow.

mikasaari commented 6 years ago

Hi. Removed the S3BACKEND flag started, created bucket and tried tagging ang pushing to the registry, but unfortunately still exactly the same problem. Will test something else.

rahulreddy commented 6 years ago

Please let us know if the issue still persists.