scandipwa / stripe-payments

Open Software License 3.0
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yarn start returning error #3

Open arzakhileshdhar opened 3 years ago

arzakhileshdhar commented 3 years ago

when I enabled the extention:

         "stripe-payments": true


yarn start yarn run v1.22.10 $ scandipwa-scripts start Error: Cannot find module 'stripe-payments/package.json' Require stack:


 Loading of plugin stripe-payments failed.
 Try installing it using yarn add stripe-payments command.
 Otherwise, disable the extension in the root package.json file:
 Append "stripe-payments": false line to the end of the mosaic.extensions field.

✨ Done in 3.69s.

without using enabling stripe-payment in extension only I able to run yarn start

romeof1980 commented 2 years ago

same problem for me when trying to install the FE extension manually (scandipwa 4.5.1). I tried to solve this removing the manual installed extension (packages/@scandipwa/stripe-payments) and running instead yarn add scandipwa/stripe-payments and yarn as suggested.

I thought that happened because the module package.json file is not found in the packages/@scandipwa/stripe-payments folder.

the yarn add scandipwa/stripe-payments succesfully complete but I experience the problem anyway as soon as I run "yarn build"

romeof1980 commented 2 years ago

apparently the solution is very easy here. Look at your theme package.json

in my case I had:

 "extensions": {
            "@scandipwa/paypal": true,
            "stripe-payments": true

instead of:

 "extensions": {
            "@scandipwa/paypal": true,
            "@scandipwa/stripe-payments": true

the yarn message " Loading of plugin stripe-payments failed." is correct. In fact the installed plugin (via yarn add) is "@scandipwa/stripe-payments"