scarffy / Student-FYP

A student project that contain multiplayer
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Setup Networking SDK #2

Closed scarffy closed 2 years ago

scarffy commented 2 years ago

Looking for alternative solution as the photon PUN2 is sort of obsolete : Photon Fusion, Mirror, or Fish-Networking

scarffy commented 2 years ago

Currently looking into Unity Netcode for Gameobjects

scarffy commented 2 years ago

Alternative solution : Unity Netcode for Gameobjects is still in preview, thus will be rejected on this project

scarffy commented 2 years ago

Currently looking into Photon Fusion. Will not looking into Mirror as it more or less same with Netcode for Gameobject.

Looked into Netcode and understood how it worked

scarffy commented 2 years ago

Looked into photon fusion : Nightmare since there is no visual tutorial

Will look into fish networking now

scarffy commented 2 years ago

Client agreed to use photon as networking sdk