scarpe-team / scarpe

Scarpe - shoes but running on webview
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Move some Scarpe error codes to Shoes #440

Open noahgibbs opened 10 months ago

noahgibbs commented 10 months ago

What Scarpe-Webview errors should be Shoes (Lacci) errors instead? Those can move from the Scarpe namespace to the Shoes namespace.

It would be nice to have tests that exercise each error. Right now we're really low on those :-/

noahgibbs commented 10 months ago

Also there are files in scarpe-components (e.g. segmented file loader) that don't require scarpe-components' errors.rb file. Either the scarpe-components errors need to move somewhere else or we need to include that file. In the long run we need tests for errors like any other part of the API, but that's too big a task to be part of this issue.

noahgibbs commented 10 months ago

Oh hey, I marked this "good first issue." I think that will only be true if I say which error codes should move over. For now I'm going to remove that tag until I can tease these errors apart into better categories.