Open ankit5858 opened 9 years ago
I've never tried using the mapping API against scassandra. I'll give it ago next week. Thanks for raising this.
This will require priming of what ever system keyspaces the driver requires. As scassandra isn't aware of your schema then i think we can only document this.
We are trying to connect dataStax maaper with Scassandra server using java api but getting error NULL Pointer Exception.
It's seems that mapper initialization require keyspace metadata , which is seems to be not populated via session object and it is failing.
IS it possible using scassandra with mappers
Code snippet Cluster cluster=null; Session session=null; Employee emps=new Employee(); try{ cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoint("" .withPort(8042) .build(); session = cluster.connect("employee"); System.out.println(session.getCluster().getClusterName()); System.out.println(session.getCluster().getMetadata().getKeyspaces());
Mapper mapper = new MappingManager(session).mapper(Employee.class)// getting problem here;
Employee Poja class @Table(name = "employees") public class Employee { @PartitionKey private String email; private String name; public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { = email; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; }