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Online processing function "onl_append" doesn't recognize my workspace variable #51

Closed carlosgreen closed 5 years ago

carlosgreen commented 5 years ago


I am using the devel branch 1.1 for online processing and started writing a script to read an eeg signal from lsl, and then store chunks of it on a new stream that I created.

when trying to store chunks of my data into the online stream, I get the following error message from the function 'onl_append'

onl_append error: The given Name argument must be a string that refers to a variable in the MATLAB workspace, but was: 'lsl'

Please note that my stream was previously defined like this: onl_newstream('lsl','srate',200,'chanlocs',{'C3','Cz','C4'});

The weird part is that the variable lsl is indeed saved in the workspace, I can even run it on the command prompt... but still, "onl_append" refuses to recognize it as a variable... any suggestions as to what migh be causing the failure to recognize my variable?

Many thanks, Green

carlosgreen commented 5 years ago


I was able to figure it out... It turns out that the "onl_append" code from bcilab devel branch 1.1 has a bug and gets stuck in that error...

If you are using the devel branch of bcilab I suggest you change the script "onl_append" to the one that comes in the "master" branch of bcilab... Once I replaced it, it worked fine...