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Update pop_importbids.m #213

Closed nicalbee closed 2 months ago

nicalbee commented 2 months ago

Added code to check for participant's group membership. If the variable is empty, then the code looks in the participants.tsv file, adding it to the variable if it's found. This is then included in the Study Info GUI in EEGLAB

arnodelorme commented 2 months ago

This is a great idea, but the code looks too complex for what it achieves. Also, are you sure it does not already work? STUDY.datasetinfo should have as fields all the columns of participants.tsv @dungscout96 can you look?

nicalbee commented 2 months ago

Thanks @arnodelorme - I have simplified the code now, but unsure whether another pull will interfere with this one. I definitely wasn't getting any of the group information imported before I implemented this adjustment.

arnodelorme commented 2 months ago

If you update your branch, then the pull request should be automatically be updated.