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Never ending loop in bids_importjson #219

Open crisglav opened 1 month ago

crisglav commented 1 month ago

Hi, when I run pop_importbids, it gets in a never ending loop in line 468, when calling bids_importjson.

I think it has to do with this part of the code.

Best, Cristina

arnodelorme commented 1 month ago

@dungscout96 can you have a look. This is code you recently added I think.

neuroLena commented 2 weeks ago

specifically this part: % if ~isTopLevel(curFile) % upperFile = fullfile(fileparts(fileparts(curFile)), ['*' ext]); % % resolve wildcard if applicable % upperFileDir = dir(upperFile); % if ~isempty(upperFileDir) % for u=1:numel(upperFileDir) % % check using rule 2.b and 2.c % % of % upperFileName = upperFileDir(u).name; % upperFileNameparts = strsplit(upperFileName, ''); % if contains(oriFile, upperFileName_parts) % upperFile = fullfile(upperFileDir(u).folder, upperFileDir(u).name); % break % end % end % end % upperjsondata = bids_importjson(upperFile, ext, oriFile); %
% % mergeStructures credit: % curjsondata = mergeStructures(curjsondata, upperjsondata); % end