sccn / EEG-BIDS

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Issues with README file: no extension & unformatted data #95

Closed CorentinWicht closed 2 years ago

CorentinWicht commented 2 years ago

Dear developpers,

I have been successfully able to export all my data using your great plugin but there remains issues related to README file.

First, it seems that it has no specific extension (at least in Windows 10): image

Then, when adding the "probably-missing" .txt extension to the README file, the data looks very weird: image

The content of the README file was defined using the GUI's "README" field, while running EEG = pop_taskinfo(EEG).

Would you have an explanation?

Best wishes,

Corentin Wicht

arnodelorme commented 2 years ago

@cll008 some code for bids_export for any string

text = ['my name is x  '; 'your name is y' ]

if ndims(text) > 1 && size(text,1) > 1
  text(:,end+1) = 10;
  text = text';
  text = text(:)'
  text(end) = [];
cll008 commented 2 years ago

@arnodelorme it is a GUI issue afterall. When you import a BIDS dataset the fields are correctly formatted. Only after running the Edit GUIS do the text get reformatted to the wrong format. Looks like this is loosely related to #94. It makes more sense to make sure text is saved correctly rather than correcting for it in bids_export, looking into that now.

arnodelorme commented 2 years ago

Sure. You can add the code to the GUI function (just after edit) so the text is saved properly. I would make a subfunction as several edit boxes are affected.