sccn / ICLabel

Automatic EEG IC classification plugin for EEGLAB
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SASICA_1.3.7 Error #13

Closed yangumikang closed 4 years ago

yangumikang commented 4 years ago


I am new to eeglab and trying to pre-process my data set. When I tried to run SASICA, the newest version available, it gave me the following error. I greatly appreciate it if anyone can give me some advice to solve this issue. Or even alternative plugins that do similar function as SASICA.

Thank you, Yangmi

ERROR. Please send the entire error log below to Thanks for your help!

This is SASICA_1.3.7 This is MATLAB (R2020b) Running on MACI64 MARA: enable: 0 FASTER: enable: 0 blinkchanname: No channel ADJUST: enable: 0 chancorr: enable: 0 channames: No channel corthresh: auto 4 EOGcorr: enable: 0 Heogchannames: No channel corthreshH: auto 4 Veogchannames: No channel corthreshV: auto 4 resvar: enable: 0 thresh: 15 SNR: enable: 0 snrcut: 1 snrBL: -Inf 0 snrPOI: 0 Inf trialfoc: enable: 0 focaltrialout: auto focalcomp: enable: 0 focalICAout: auto autocorr: enable: 0 autocorrint: 20 dropautocorr: auto opts: noplot: 0 nocompute: 0 FontSize: 14 Index exceeds the number of array elements (1).

Error in pop_selectcomps (line 168) set( button, 'backgroundcolor', eval(fastif(EEG.reject.gcompreject(ri), COLREJ,COLACC)), 'string', int2str(ri));

Error in eeg_SASICA (line 93) eval(cfg);

Error in eeg_SASICA (line 742) eeg_SASICA(EEG,['pop_selectcomps(EEG, [' num2str(cmps) '],' num2str(ncomp) ');']);

Error in SASICA>push_ok_Callback (line 601) [EEG, cfg] = eeg_SASICA(EEG,cfg);

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) feval(varargin{:});

Error in SASICA (line 110) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)SASICA('push_ok_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

lucapton commented 4 years ago

This is not the right forum for this question. As the error suggests, you could send an email to Alternatively you could ask for help on the EEGLAB listserv.