sccn / ICLabel

Automatic EEG IC classification plugin for EEGLAB
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Check if data is referenced to CAR #28

Closed mscheltienne closed 1 year ago

mscheltienne commented 2 years ago

After some digging following: This line checks if the dataset is referenced to a common average. But, the sample EEGLAB dataset field .ref is set to common, which is probably a CAR? And yet this is not captured by ~strcmp(EEG.ref, 'averef').

Same for a dataset outputted after a re-referencing with pop_reref (including the output of ([~, EEG] = evalc('pop_reref(EEG, [], ''exclude'', setdiff(1:EEG.nbchan, EEG.icachansind));');), the field .ref is set to 'average', which is again not captured by ~strcmp(EEG.ref, 'averef').

Is this a mistake and 3 different ways to denote a CAR ref?

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago
