sccn / clean_rawdata

Cleaning Raw EEG data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add ytick channel labels in vis_artifacts #2

Closed arnodelorme closed 2 years ago

arnodelorme commented 4 years ago

Transfered from Bugzilla.

Hopefully I am not overstepping, but I added some code to vis_artifacts in clean_rawdata0.32 after line 189:

channel_y = (ylr(2):(ylr(1)-ylr(2))/(size(,1)-1):ylr(1))';

I added the code:

% add channel locations set( hAxis, 'ytick', flipud(channel_y)); set( hAxis, 'yticklabel', fliplr({old.chanlocs.labels}));

It changes the ytick values and labels to the channel labels in line with the data, so that you can see what clean_rawdata has done in terms of channel removal more clearly.

Regards, Tyler

arnodelorme commented 4 years ago

Note that the function should double check if the channel labels are available.

arnodelorme commented 2 years ago

Accepted the change.