sccn / eeglab

EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD
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Query Regarding Repeated Measures ANOVA in LIMO 4.0 and EEGLAB 2023.1 #688

Closed npdrbong closed 11 months ago

npdrbong commented 11 months ago


[Description of the bug or feature Attach a link to Dropbox or Google Drive with screenshots and your data if possible.]

Dear Cyril Pernet and Arnauld Delorme,

First and foremost, thank you for creating such invaluable tools. I am currently conducting an experiment where I aim to compare 3 different conditions based on events occurring within specific blocks.

I am utilizing LIMO 4.0 within EEGLAB 2023.1 for this analysis. In my STUDY, there are a total of 5 event markers which I have categorized into three groups: Fix, OMS&pump&stop, and Cashout&pop. I intend to perform a Repeated Measures ANOVA on data from 42 participants to examine any differences between these conditions. As my work is closely aligned with the tutorials provided, I have been following the tutorial steps:

Precompute Run ERP calculations in pop_limo() with the following parameters: pop_limo(STUDY, ALLEEG, 'method','WLS','measure','daterp','timelim',[-150 650] ,'erase','on','splitreg','off'); Proceed to 2nd level analysis -> check on 'Precompute statistics' -> Select ANOVA/ANCOVA -> Repeated Measures ANOVA -> 'Continue' for group information (only one group) -> Enter repeated factors level {Factor 1 : BART(name) : 3(Number of values)} -> Beta -> pick a 1st level analysis file 'ok' -> pick one or more beta parameters below 'select 1~6(except constant)' After performing these steps, I encounter the following error message:

Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in limo_random_select>reorganize_params (line 2304)
str = ['Reorganize values as needed: ' factorname{1} '=rows and ' factorname{2} '=columns'];

Error in limo_random_select (line 1335)
                    paramTmp        = reorganize_params(parameters(i,:), betas,factor_names, factor_nb);

Error in limo_random_effect>ANOVA_Callback (line 262)

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in limo_random_effect (line 36)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)limo_random_effect('ANOVA_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Expected behavior:

[What you expected to happen] image

Actual behavior:

[What actually happened] image


OS version window10.0
Matlab version 2022a
EEGLAB version 2023.1

Could the issue stem from incorrect input regarding the number of factors or beta parameters? I would appreciate your insights into resolving this matter.

Best regards, Bong

npdrbong commented 11 months ago

I am sorry. I done this with selecting each con file instead of beta.

arnodelorme commented 11 months ago

Would you mind to share your study so we can try running the commands and see what's wrong? thanks

CPernet commented 11 months ago

it's the factor name issue we have fixed it in this version of limo_random_select

arnodelorme commented 11 months ago

OK, closing for now. Feel free to reopen.