sccn / liblsl

C++ lsl library for multi-modal time-synched data transmission over the local network
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Tests that (almost) always fail #218

Open cboulay opened 1 month ago

cboulay commented 1 month ago

The first 2 don't test LSL code directly so I have excluded the problematic config on the problematic target platform.

cboulay commented 1 month ago

I managed to reproduce a segmentation fault from the pushpull benchmark test locally. It happens here:

It happens at the very end of the test case, as the outlet is going out of scope, triggering its cleanup:

lsl::stream_outlet::~stream_outlet() > lsl_destroy_outlet(...) > ~stream_outlet_impl() > lsl::factory::~factory()

During ~factory, this line

cur is already nonsense.


cboulay commented 3 weeks ago

220 might be helpful: "bad_weak_ptr"