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Is it possible to connect LSL with Oculus Rift VR? #281

Closed tamerajaj closed 6 years ago

tamerajaj commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to connect LSL with Oculus Rift VR position streaming?


cboulay commented 6 years ago

It’s easy with openVR. Without OpenVR, a custom app would have to be made that used the Oculus API, and I don’t know if their service allows for simultaneous non-exclusive access from multiple clients.

tamerajaj commented 6 years ago

I am trying to look into the code of the LSL app for OpenVR and see if I can find a similar way to apply that to Oculus, I don't have enough experience with C++ as I am using the pyovr package to connect to Oculus using python. I posted a question at the Oculus discussion forums and I'm waiting to see if they have an answer.

tamerajaj commented 6 years ago

OpenVR and LSL are working with Oculus Rift now, I wasn't aware that OpenVR supports Oculus Rift. But now I am having the problem that all the recorded position values are all zeros. I am recording by running "LSLOpenVR.exe" and starting the stream then running "LabRecorder.exe", pick the position stream then starting the recording. The position logging worked when I first tried it last week but suddenly it stopped.

tamerajaj commented 6 years ago

The issue was solved by manually running "vrmonitor.exe" in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64

before running "LSLOpenVR.exe".