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LabRecorder crash using Optitrack stream #309

Closed rreyes114 closed 5 years ago

rreyes114 commented 6 years ago


I'm in the process of setting up LSL for my lab's Optitrack system. The Optitrack connector app successfully links to LabRecorder; however, as soon as the start button is pressed, LabRecorder stops working. The error message is along the lines of "LabRecorder.exe has stopped working."

I do not think there is anything wrong with LabRecorder itself, but rather it is the Optitrack connector app. For instance, we tried LabRecorder with the Biosemi app and it worked fine. The Optitrack software we are using is Motive 2.0.2. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there a fix?

Thanks, Roehl

tstenner commented 6 years ago

Do you know which version? LabRecorder shouldn't crash, even with a buggy client. Anyway, I'll prepare a build with debug information for you on Monday so we can see exactly where the problem lies.

tstenner commented 6 years ago

I've uploaded a [debug build](].

Could you install ProcDump, run it as procdump -ma -i c:\dumps, run LabRecorder and upload the resulting core dump (should appear in c:\dumps)?

rreyes114 commented 6 years ago

Sure thing, I'll try it out. Unfortunately, I'm on break this week (I'm a student volunteer), so I won't be able to try anything until next week. Thanks for your help! I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

rreyes114 commented 6 years ago

Here are the dump files created:

rreyes114 commented 5 years ago

The previous link has expired, here's a newer one (try copy and pasting): The debug build of LabRecorder that you uploaded doesn't crash; however, it also doesn't recognize that the Optitrack stream is online. I am also using an older version of LSL (labstreaminglayer-1.0.28 from, which could be the cause of these problems.

tstenner commented 5 years ago

Here are the dump files created:

The core dump contains references to Qt4, so it's likely the old version I can't say much about.

The debug build of LabRecorder that you uploaded doesn't crash; however, it also doesn't recognize that the Optitrack stream is online.

That's strange. Is it found by the example programs?

rreyes114 commented 5 years ago

The GetAllStreams.exe program does recognize that Optitrack is present on the lab network. Likewise, Optitrack does appear under the "Record from Streams" menu in Lab Recorder. The issue occurs when the Start button under "Recording Control" is pressed; Lab Recorder displays this message: "At least one of the streams that you checked seems to be offline. Do you want to start recording anyway?" I'm not sure why this occurs. Initially I thought that maybe Motive had to already be recording, but this didn't work either and the same message popped up. I should also clarify that the checkbox beside Optitrack is filled in before Start is pressed, but is then unchecked after Start is pressed, followed by the message above.

rreyes114 commented 5 years ago

After some experimentation, I got the program to work when I specified the stream in the LabRecorder config file.