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Multi-modal time-synched data transmission over local network
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Deslys EMG #345

Open sethhiggins opened 5 years ago

sethhiggins commented 5 years ago


I am looking at getting Delsys trigno wireless EMG. They currently are not compatible with lab streaming layer and I notice that lab streaming layer does not have an app for Deslys. Is there a chance in the future that an app for Delsys will be created in lab streaming layer?

Thank you,

cboulay commented 5 years ago

Creating an application for a device is next to impossible without the physical device in hand to test. Another prerequisite is that the manufacturer makes available an SDK so that 3rd party programs can communicate with the device (or the device has a documented standard protocol).

Likely the only way an app will be created is if someone has the device, has the software development skills necessary, and has the motivation. We're trying to lower the barrier for the skills part of it, but we can't do much to lower the barrier for the hardware access or motivation.

Looking at their website, they seem to have something called a "Trigno SDK Server". Looking at the guide here, this will be a bit tricky, but not too bad. I think you'd have to make 6 threads. The main thread could send control commands to the device, the next 4 will each push to a different stream: EMG, Accel, IM-EMG (?), IM-Other. The final will push digital events.

If I had the hardware in my hands then I guess it would probably take me about 2-3 weeks, but I'm slow and have lots of distractions. A better developer might be able to get it done in a few days.

BrunoFurlanetto commented 1 year ago

Have there been any updates related to integration with Delsys devices?