scemino / engge

Open source remake of Thimbleweed Park's engine
MIT License
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Is the game completable? (even with bugs or missing features) #171

Closed neuromancer closed 4 years ago

neuromancer commented 4 years ago

Now that engge supports savegames, it seem practical to play the entire game. Is it completable right now? Also, could be possible to update README with a more detailed description of how completable it is?

scemino commented 4 years ago

That's an excellent question. This is what I try to do these days, I'm focusing on being able to finish a game even if there are still a lot of weird behaviors or graphical issues. The problem is when I found and fix a blocking issue, I can create a regression and I'm not sure if I start from the beginning I don't face any new issues... But still, I try to finish the game with engge, and when it will be done, I will release a new version. Today I'm able to play until arriving to the hotel. I have to go further...

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

That is why I am at the beginning, my intention is to advance from the beginning onwards and see what possible bugs I can find. To date with each new commit, I try to start from the beginning and I think that now it is more or less stable to continue forward.

There have been regressions and there was instability derived from the saved games. So I have considered not moving forward until now.

I am going to be making a list of the observed failures and I think that here it can be the place to go commenting on them and, according to the failure, open a new issue.

For example, we still have to solve the problem with the location of the actors; When Boris talks to Willie in Part 1, he covers Willie. Even the interaction between the two is still incorrect with respect to the original. In the original, most of the options lead to dialogue between the two. Also the positions of other actors are incorrect, for example when Ray and Reyes give each other objects, etc. Although this is a minor evil, since it does not matter when it comes to gameplay.

Another thing that I have observed is that in part 2, the Pigeon Brother´s van when in motion floats in the air, the wheels do not appear. Perhaps this is corrected when solving another problem or on the contrary scemino should dedicate exclusively to it. Although to play the game this is still not important.

I have not advanced too much in Thimbleweed Park and my intention is to finish it from engge :)

scemino commented 4 years ago

It was really painful, but I reached "Part 4: The Will"... When I say 'painful', I'm talking about the weird behaviors of engge, sometimes it's hard to play because of the bugs, but it's doable. And several bugs found & fixed later, I reached "Part 6: The Factory".

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

Brilliant !!! Less is left 👍


scemino commented 4 years ago

OK, I just finished the game 🎉 🍾

scemino commented 4 years ago

I need to fix #193 before releasing version 0.6

scemino commented 4 years ago

OK, #193 is done, do you need some more time to test ? I'm ready to release version 0.6

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

Genial !!! I just downloaded the commit: ( I'm going to try :)

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

I've been testing the commit: (

I have reached part 3, but I have encountered a series of bugs along the way. Some of smaller and others of greater importance.

Step to detail the most important:

These are the most important failures that I have seen when testing, even so it has let me get to part 3. I think it shouldn't have been able to get there and instead it has left me.

There are many minor bugs that I have not listed here. My intention at the moment is not to open an issue, since I want to test the last commit you have added and play without recording the game as much as I can, to check if I get those errors.


I've tried a small part of the last commit ( and can confirm the following so far:

In the sheriff's office, if I am driving Ray, if I select Reyes, I cannot select Ray again. I have not loaded any saved games, so I confirmed that this is not a problem derived from loading a saved game.

Now, in the water leak that Pigeon Brother's is repairing, if Reyes tries to cross to A-Street, engge, it closes unexpectedly.

scemino commented 4 years ago

Here the status of the bugs you found:

In the sheriff's office, When I selected Ray, I couldn't select Reyes again. I don't know if this error comes from a saved game or not. Since it loads game before reaching that area. I've been playing with Ray from that moment until they hit him on the head. From there, engge has selected Reyes, and I have played with Reyes from that moment until reaching part 3. I have not been able to perform the part in which Ray is in the sewers, etc., since it does not allow me to select her from Again, but still, I've got to part 3. At this point Ray has appeared again. I have not handled Delores either, although this I must check if I can do it in part 3, since I have not spoken with her sister.

reproduced, I created the issue #205

Reyes goes through the water leak that the Pigeon brother´sare fixing in part two and accesses A-Street (which should not be until the leak is fixed), but cannot cross the water again. Therefore, I must load a save game.

reproduced, I created the issue #208

In Nikel news, Reyes talks to the reporter, the text is seen but the reporter is not seen.

I can't reproduce it

There is an error when using the sheriff's radio, when using more than one sentence, to form a complete sentence. It does not allow completing the sentence.

I can't reproduce it

The county map is already in the photocopier, Reyes gets 4 copies of it. This is an error, since it is necessary to do a series of steps to achieve it.

reproduced, I created the issue #207

There are many flaws with the sound. in the log you can see the message:

Yes, I'm aware that's why I added a stop button in the Debug Tools, in the sound part. Actually, there are several sounds which loops, they are not stopped, and it seems that they should be stopped if the thread which creates them is stopped.

Thank you @Mac1512

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

There is no reason to thank ... I am happy to help :)

As soon as I have a moment I will test the new changes you have made in the commits. And I will comment on the result. Perhaps some of the errors that you have not been able to reproduce have already been corrected and if not, I will provide you with captures or whatever I can.

I saw that you had added the option to stop the sounds, although I thought you had already solved the number of free channels.

scemino commented 4 years ago

OK let me know if it's OK for you, if there are no big issues, I'm ready (again) to release 😉

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

I haven't been able to test much, but I have noticed a bug when testing the last commit ( This bug blocks engge. I have opened the issue

scemino commented 4 years ago

I fixed it

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

I have been testing the last commit (, and I have observed glitches, I have played until the end of the Ransome clown part, from that point the engge engine, has crashed I have opened the issue (

scemino commented 4 years ago


Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

Thank you !! :)

I have answered in the issue

scemino commented 4 years ago

It seems to be minor bugs, if you're ok, I want to release 0.6.0, there are still bugs, but it can be interesting to release 0.6.0. I just want to fix now big crashes or bugs that prevent to progress in the game.

Mac1512 commented 4 years ago

I see it correct. The bugs that are observed for release 0.7.0