scenerygraphics / scenery

Flexible VR Visualisation for Volumetric and Geometric Data on the Java VM, powered by Kotlin and Vulkan.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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segfault in sciview #704

Closed kephale closed 4 months ago

kephale commented 4 months ago

Linking this segfault that tracks back to Vulkan here:

I'm getting this sporadically from the current sciview main ( Not frequently enough to be a blocker though.

I get this when running ImageJMain. It doesn't launch I just get this immediate crash.

kephale commented 4 months ago

My inner @skalarproduktraum suggested that I should check if molten-vk needs to be upgraded. Mine was from 2022. After upgrading molten-vk with homebrew it looks like this error is gone.

I had also seen errors like this, which also made me realize it could be an outdated molten-vk.

2024-03-09 17:52:43.323 java[13765:1680682] WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state! Enable secure coding by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState: and returning YES.
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO SciView - Started application as PID 13765 on MACOSX/ARM64
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO graphics.scenery.utils.LogbackUtils - Logback is not in the classpath!
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO SciView - imagej-launcher not found, not touching renderer preferences.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO SciView - This is sciview / scenery, development version ( /  (0f1970))
[ERROR] Cannot create plugin: org.scijava.plugins.scripting.javascript.JavaScriptScriptLanguage
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Loaded Deferred Shading (Deferred Shading, with HDR postprocessing and FXAA)
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Creating Vulkan instance with extensions VK_MVK_macos_surface,VK_KHR_surface,VK_KHR_surface,VK_EXT_metal_surface and layers 
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Available special-purpose swapchains are: SwingSwapchain, HeadlessSwapchain, OpenGLSwapchain
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO Companion - Physical devices: 
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO Companion -   0: 🍎 Apple M1 Pro (IntegratedGPU, driver version 0.2.2014, Vulkan API 1.2.261) (selected)
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VulkanDevice - Creating 1 distinct queue groups
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Using swapchain SwingSwapchain
[AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Renderer initialisation complete.
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO InputHandler - No custom key configuration found, using default keybindings.
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Controls - No custom key configuration found, using default keybindings.
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Recreating Swapchain at frame 0 (SwingSwapchain)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO SwingSwapchain - Present queue is 0, graphics queue is 0
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO SwingSwapchain - Selected present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR with 3 images
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer GeometryBuffer for pass Scene (1246x661)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment NormalsMaterial, RGBA_Float16
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment DiffuseAlbedo, RGBA_UInt8
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Emission, RGBA_Float16
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment ZBuffer, Depth32
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer AOTemp1 for pass AO (1246x661)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Occlusion, RGBA_UInt8
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer AOTemp2 for pass AOBlurV (1246x661)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Occlusion, RGBA_UInt8
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer AOBuffer for pass AOBlurH (623x330)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Occlusion, RGBA_UInt8
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer ForwardBuffer for pass DeferredLighting (1246x661)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Color, RGBA_Float16
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer HDRBuffer for pass ForwardShading (1246x661)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Color, RGBA_Float16
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Depth, Depth32
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion - Creating render framebuffer FXAABuffer for pass HDR (1246x661)
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO Companion -  + attachment Color, RGBA_UInt8
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Scene initialization started.
[SciJava-af9a89f-Thread-0] INFO VulkanRenderer - Scene initialization complete, took 41.0137625 ms.
[mvk-warn] VK_TIMEOUT: vkQueueWaitIdle timed out after 10 frames while awaiting 1 swapchain image presentations to complete.
[Thread-3] INFO SciView - Full startup took 2900ms
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Invalid argument