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SCEPman | Cloud-based Certification Authority
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Feature request - Create releases on GitHub for new stable versions #24

Open o-l-a-v opened 1 month ago

o-l-a-v commented 1 month ago

The changelog does not seem to have a RSS feed.

You could use GitHub releases when new stable releases are made. It would make it easy for users to subscribe to something to get notified of new releases of SCEPman and Certificate Master.



I'm not currently aware of other ways to get notified of new releases.

bb-froggy commented 1 month ago

When using releases, the URL of the ZIP changes with every release. For the WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE update mechanism, we need a fixed URL (for each channel). So we cannot use GitHub releases for this and we need still need to have the ZIPs in GitHub.

Therefore, the GitHub releases would just be there as a mechanism to have a change log with notifications. This seems unnatural to me, although of course I see advantages, e.g. it would be a place where people expect the releases.

In any case, there should be a working release notification mechanism. Currently, there is SCEPman on X. And some people use the VersionInformation.txt in an automated fashion.

o-l-a-v commented 1 month ago

Therefore, the GitHub releases would just be there as a mechanism to have a change log with notifications. This seems unnatural to me, although of course I see advantages, e.g. it would be a place where people expect the releases.

I'd say that this would still provide the value I ask for here. Then one can use either GitHub natively, or use <repo>/releases.atom in a RSS reader. No need for custom logic for the consumers.

Example /releases.atom for the PowerShell repo, which one can put straight in Feedly or other RSS readers:

bb-froggy commented 1 month ago

I see ... we are working on something :-)