schacon / hg-git

mercurial to git bridge, pushed to directly from the hg-git plugin in Hg
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Automatic conversion between .gitignore and .hgignore files #135

Closed jimcook closed 10 years ago

jimcook commented 13 years ago

I see in TODO.txt that you are considering implementing automatic conversion between .gitignore and .hgignore files.

I just wanted to let you know that I would really appreciate this feature. It would make it much more convenient to commit changes to files cloned from a git repository where you have autogenerated files that you don't want version-controlled.

mr-rodgers commented 13 years ago

Yeah so would I.

joeyespo commented 13 years ago

This would be very nice.

I see the TODO item now says "(probably not automatically, but perhaps a generator?)"

Well I'd imagine most projects would have a simple enough ignore list, so a straightforward conversion can be implemented for those. Then handle the cases where it can't be done somehow.

Is there a way to have an 'error' of some kind for those cases? That way, everyone can assume it's automatic and working until they see the error, in which case they must use a tool or do manual conversion.

leifg commented 13 years ago

for easy .gitignore you could just do a

cp .gitignore .hgignore echo .hgignore >> .hgignore

but I fully support this feature

MichaelBlume commented 13 years ago

and echo .git >> .hgignore if you're working with .git in-tree...

devlinzed commented 11 years ago