schacon / hg-git

mercurial to git bridge, pushed to directly from the hg-git plugin in Hg
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Can'tclone over http? #192

Closed TheLQ closed 13 years ago

TheLQ commented 13 years ago

I'm trying to clone another git repository through mercurial over normal http (not HTTPS which isn't supported according to another issue). However is normal HTTP not supported as well?

 ihammerhands@wreckcreations:~/repos$ git clone
 Cloning into yubnub...
 remote: Counting objects: 1707, done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1222/1222), done.
 remote: Total 1707 (delta 373), reused 1704 (delta 373)
 Receiving objects: 100% (1707/1707), 8.84 MiB | 3.27 MiB/s, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (373/373), done.
 ihammerhands@wreckcreations:~/repos$ hg clone -vvv
 abort: HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable
 ihammerhands@wreckcreations:~/repos$ hg clone -vvv git+
 abort: repository git+ not found!
miquelfire commented 13 years ago

Github doesn't do normal HTTP anymore.

TheLQ commented 13 years ago

I just used github as an example. The actual repository I'm trying to clone through mercurial is , only available over HTTP to anonymous users

And besides, this still shows the issue as cloning over HTTP on github still works, while hg clone doesn't.

durin42 commented 13 years ago

This isn't really an hg-git issue, it's a dulwich limitation. It's a known need in dulwich, and we'll get to it there eventually.

TheLQ commented 12 years ago

Can you or someone else report this in dulwich then? As I'm not a hg-git dev (or even a python dev) it would be difficult for me to intelligently say whats missing from where

dwijnand commented 12 years ago

Durin42, seems like dulwich now supports this:, any chance of getting this supported in hg-git?

durin42 commented 12 years ago

dwijnand commented 12 years ago

Thank you :) (Damn you're quick! ;))

dwijnand commented 12 years ago

You going to release an update of hg-git, i.e. 0.3.2 or 0.4.0?

jaraco commented 8 years ago

Thanks for fixing this. I'm on a network that disallows protocols other than HTTP, so this fix allowed me to push changes where I couldn't otherwise.