schacon / hg-git

mercurial to git bridge, pushed to directly from the hg-git plugin in Hg
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Issue pushing after performing a rebase #282

Open cancan101 opened 9 years ago

cancan101 commented 9 years ago

I can not push to git after I performed a rebase (and re-wrote history) even though I specify force push:

$ hg push -f  github 
pushing to git+ssh://
["git-receive-pack 'cancan101/pydicom.git'"]
searching for changes
abort: branch 'refs/heads/master' changed on the server, please pull and merge before pushing
kodawah commented 8 years ago

I have a similar problem, just on a separate branch than master, with dulwich 0.9.4 and hggit 0.5

i had to resort to git push every time instead of hg push git