schacon / hg-git

mercurial to git bridge, pushed to directly from the hg-git plugin in Hg
GNU General Public License v2.0
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wrap normal commands instead of gpush gfetch gclone etc #31

Closed digi604 closed 14 years ago

digi604 commented 14 years ago

Is there a reason why you don't wrap the normal hg commands?

chadrik commented 14 years ago

i agree with this. at work we use eclipse to develop, but the git eclipse plugin is very weak compared to mercurial's. if hg-git wrapped all normal commands, delegating to hg or git as necessary as it does for clone, then we could seamlessly use mercurial's eclipse plugin to interact with git.

abderrahim commented 14 years ago

this should be fixed in c5c63783ace0 (on bitbucket)

digi604 commented 14 years ago

this doesn't seam to be working

abderrahim commented 14 years ago

for me it's working. What errors do you get ? (if you're cloning using ssh use git+ssh://host/path instead of host:path as in git)

digi604 commented 14 years ago

i don't get any errors.... it seams that it just doesn't call the function... a print in git_handler fetch and push don't get called at all. Also the gremote doesn't seam to be working.

abderrahim commented 14 years ago

which version are you using? my branch no longer have gremote (use the paths section of hgrc). if you have hgsubversion enabled, make sure that hg-git is enabled before (i.e. comes before in hgrc),(or after, I'm not sure) as there is an incompatibility right now (if this doesn't work, try disabling hgsubversion altogether)

abderrahim commented 14 years ago

I just tried, if hgsubversion is enabled, it will crash, so the problem is somewhere else.