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CSS and PDF VS CSS and HTML :: PDF should use same style as HTML #113

Open robotarmy opened 12 years ago

robotarmy commented 12 years ago

The HTML generated for the PDF is correct - however the PDF rendering is not the same.


  def pdf(static=true)
      @slides = get_slides_html(static)
      @no_js = false
      html = erb :onepage"/tmp/presto.html",File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR) {|f|
        f << html
      # TODO make a random filename

      # takes the HTML and any options for wkhtmltopdf
      # run `wkhtmltopdf --extended-help` for a full list of options
      kit =, :page_size => 'Letter', :orientation => 'Landscape')

      # Save the PDF to a file
      file = kit.to_file('/tmp/preso.pdf')
robotarmy commented 12 years ago

thank you

robotarmy commented 12 years ago

the PDF Print function in WebKit is ignoring the font/size of the html document that it is printing