Just came up with an idea that our HIS does very well in our hospital.
WHen writing a template for e.g. a form or a letter etc., sometimes you have to
distinguish the sex, like Mr. and Mrs.
The above can be managed with a token like [[Patient.salutation]], but words
like "her" or "his" that occur in the text should be covered as well.
Our HIS does this with a single trick. If you define some "text bricks", you
can e.g. write:
"[[Patient.salutation]] [[Patient.Fullname]] has to see ^his^~her~ pulmology
doctor in one week."
So everything within ^^ is only printed when the corresponding patient is male,
and everything within ~~ is only printed when female.
The chars are maybe not the best, but the idea is great.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by christian.a.reiter@gmail.com on 7 Apr 2013 at 6:18
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 7 Apr 2013 at 6:18