I am using the Quote APR which retrieves quote information for a single stock symbol. It would help if multiple stocks could be retrieved at once. Perhaps up to 50 or whatever the IEX Cloud limit is. Right now the Quote API is returning ~2 quotes per second. It used to return about 100 per second, but something in the system has changed. Who know is could be an update from Microsoft or a bug in the IEX cloud. But it would just be more efficient to query for multiple stocks in a simgle message.
I am using the Quote APR which retrieves quote information for a single stock symbol. It would help if multiple stocks could be retrieved at once. Perhaps up to 50 or whatever the IEX Cloud limit is. Right now the Quote API is returning ~2 quotes per second. It used to return about 100 per second, but something in the system has changed. Who know is could be an update from Microsoft or a bug in the IEX cloud. But it would just be more efficient to query for multiple stocks in a simgle message.