Closed SMMousaviSP closed 4 years ago
thanks for reporting this.
Exit code 127 indicates command not found. And probably it's ruby. How did you install ruby? Is it available just in your current shell or is it globally available? What does which ruby
return? And what does echo $PATH
I've installed latest stable version of ruby with rbenv.
This is the output of which ruby
And /home/mohammad/.rbenv/shims
is in my path.
echo $PATH output:
Okay. When tmux starts a shell, the setup of the environment is probably different and it doesn‘t setup the path.
There are different options to solve this:
I‘d recommend installing ruby globally. I‘m don‘t know, though, how that‘s done easily with mac. This allows you to update tmux-jump in the future without having to resolve conflicts.
Problem solved by installing ruby from ubuntu repository:
sudo apt install ruby
Thank you
This is the output when I use tmux-prefix + j:
I can run directly without problem but not with the key binding.
OS: Ubuntu 20.4 tmux version: 3.0a Ruby version: 2.7.1p83