schech1 / uptime-buddy

Uptime monitoring on Apple Watch
MIT License
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Support for MFA #2

Open PhoenixSheppy opened 2 weeks ago

PhoenixSheppy commented 2 weeks ago

Please add support for MFA Tokens.

I personally use MFA tokens on my Uptime-Kuma instance, and had to disable them to implement uptime-buddy.

Also, Uptime-Kuma has support for API Keys, consider implementing those instead.

Thank you.

ivolanski commented 2 weeks ago

+1 for API keys

I can see that is preparing for MFA but use the uptime-kuma api token as a env var set in the docker compose is much better, cleaner and elegant solution.

login_by_token(token: str) → dict

    Login by token.


        token (str) – Login token generated by [login()](

        The server response.
    Return type:


        [UptimeKumaException]( – If the server returns an error.


schech1 commented 2 weeks ago

@ivolanski I checked the login_by_token()-function but it's actually not as you imagine. It does not use the api-token. (as far as I understood) It uses a token, that is generated by the login()-function, that needs to be called before.

I can use the api token from Uptime Kuma, but I wanted to avoid typing a 20 char long token into the app. Therefore I used a 6 char long token for now.

I will also continue to check the 2FA authentication, just trying to find a solution, to implement it in an easy way, since the 2fa code is time relevant. Will figure out a way to set the 2FA up in the iOS-app and will create a TestFlight version from the mfa-auth-wip branch.

schech1 commented 5 days ago

Hey, if you would like to give it a try, I made an experimental version with 2FA support. You can use the public TestFlight invitation for the app:

Use the docker experimental tag for the backend. schech1/uptime-buddy-api:experimental

Add this env var to your docker compose

- MFA=True