schellingb / TinySoundFont

SoundFont2 synthesizer library in a single C/C++ file
MIT License
608 stars 71 forks source link

this library wrote 3300 seconds of PCM audio in 4.9 seconds. (nice work) #54

Open yishengjiang99 opened 3 years ago

yishengjiang99 commented 3 years ago

i ran this script 15 times (from note js) to compile 15 different instruments for keys 21-109 and it finished in 6.9 (first 2.0 were spent parsing some midi file)

`yishengs-macbook-pro:ssr-bach yisheng$ ts-node /Users/yisheng/Documents/GitHub/ssr-bach/src/install.ts 2.097498536 2.354698177 2.598045037 2.869136001 3.104193877 3.445881478 3.699593748 4.207481075 4.661177624 5.084969839 5.513516307 5.797124318 6.230779299 6.492082309 6.922956223``

yishengjiang99 commented 3 years ago

porting it to wasm via emscripten here