schellingb / UnityCapture

Streams Unity rendered output to other Windows applications as virtual capture device
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Capture Device is inactive #22

Open kobraevents opened 2 years ago

kobraevents commented 2 years ago

cant get it to run. use the test scene in unity and get the following output:

[UnityCapture] Capture device is inactive UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object) UnityCapture:OnRenderImage (UnityEngine.RenderTexture,UnityEngine.RenderTexture) (at Assets/UnityCapture-master/Assets/UnityCapture/UnityCapture.cs:79) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

there is no camera that i can use in obs. someone has workaround? Windows 10, 64bit unity 2021.1.2f1

Identifier commented 1 year ago

Same issue 1 year later. Windows 11, 64bit unity 2021.3.11f1. Also tried in unity 2017.3.1f1 with same result.