Open OuterGazer opened 3 years ago
I seem to have fixed the issue. At first I tried several reinstallations with no avail, then I tried starting the game with a new image (but used the same install path), but the problem persisted. Then, exploring the setup options, I saw that I had installed the speech and music files in C:. I uninstalled them (then the game reads them from the mounted image) and the original image still froze, then I tried the new image and it worked.
It could be that apart from the first image being faulty, the sound files didn't install properly in C:. All in all it works now, so all it's good.
When you get put in jail and your buddy teleports to your cell. After speaking, Twinsen turns around to a guard about to speak and then the game freezes always as he finishes turning around. I've fiddled with the options but to no avail. I think that a cutscene is about to trigger and that might have something to do but no idea, because until then the game works like a charm except for super short hickups here and there. Maybe I haven't explored a specific option? Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this is with the latest RA version to date from the Play Store and all options on default except controller mapping on standard keyboard.
EDIT 2: Added a log file.