I want to try RetroArch with DOSbox and I was looking at Pure and Core. Is there somewhere a comparison between those two (and also with DOSbox original in RetroArch and using DOSbox-X/Staging inside "bash loader for RetroArch" and "DOSbox original run normally on a host")?
What I found so far comparing Pure and Core:
Pure seems to have more features and is listed in the Libretro library
Pure lacks the following DOSbox/Core features (if unticked):
I want to try RetroArch with DOSbox and I was looking at Pure and Core. Is there somewhere a comparison between those two (and also with DOSbox original in RetroArch and using DOSbox-X/Staging inside "bash loader for RetroArch" and "DOSbox original run normally on a host")?
What I found so far comparing Pure and Core:
More generally - is it possible for both projects to be merged? Be stronger/better together, etc.?