schellingb / dosbox-pure

DOSBox Pure is a new fork of DOSBox built for RetroArch/Libretro aiming for simplicity and ease of use.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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A problem with the malfunctioning of the MS-DOS prompt on Korean Windows 95 OSR2 installed from DOSBox Pure. #503

Open Githubmaniak opened 1 month ago

Githubmaniak commented 1 month ago

You may have noticed that when you install Windows 95 OSR 2 or later from DOSBox Pure, the MS-DOS prompt stops working.

However, if you set the color depth to 16 colors and then run the MS-DOS prompt, it will run fine without freezing. Below is a screenshot of this in action. disk-240527-000223

If you change the core from Dynamic to Normal, the characters in the window will disappear. disk-240527-000322

If you set the color depth to 256 colors or more with the core at Normal and run the MS-DOS prompt again, the GUI will glitch. disk-240527-000443

Note that this issue did not occur in Windows 95 RTM or the 2011-2012 builds of DOSBox SVN Daum. DOSBox SVN Daum stopped development in 2015, but you can download previous builds, including the last one, from the URL below.

Githubmaniak commented 1 month ago

disk3-240530-094829 If you disable MSHBIOS, you can run the MS-DOS prompt with more than 256 colors, but strangely the window will be green!

PoloniumRain commented 1 month ago

Very useful info!

This problem has caused a lot of issues for people, because it happens with Win98 SE as well. If a game/software displays the MS-DOS prompt during installation then it will often permanently freeze Windows. I've posted about some workarounds before.

But your 16 colours workaround is better. The mouse cursor will still show significant lag though, but this can largely be improved by lowering the CPU cycles in Core Options > Performance > Emulated Performance and setting the MHz to a very low speed. If it's left on AUTO then the MS-DOS prompt screen will often turn green and have severe mouse lag.

So the ideal settings are: Set Emulated Performance to 33MHz and use 16 colours in Windows

But if a mouse isn't needed then it's best to leave it on AUTO, otherwise any tasks like install times can take forever.