schemacrawler / SchemaCrawler

Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool
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Generated columns with `stored` in sqlite are not marked as generated #1589

Open fdietze opened 1 week ago

fdietze commented 1 week ago


It seems like generated columns with stored in sqlite are not marked as generated.

How to Reproduce

create the following schema with sqlite:

create table foo(
  id integer primary key,
  bar int not null generated always as (id + 1) stored

Then, on that column .isGenerated is false. Without the stored keyword, it is true.

Relevant log output

No response

SchemaCrawler Version


Java Version


Operating System and Version

NixOS unstable

Relational Database System and Version


JDBC Driver and Version


sualeh commented 1 week ago

@fdietze This is not a SchemaCrawler issue, since SchemaCrawler simply reports the information that the SQLite JDBC driver provides.

See JDBC3DatabaseMetaData. It only checks for a value of "2", when according to the SQLite documentation, it should be checking for both 2 and 3.

sualeh commented 1 week ago

I created issue to make the fix.

sualeh commented 1 week ago

@fdietze Here is the PR I submitted:

fdietze commented 1 week ago

That was quick. Thank you so much for your work!

sualeh commented 1 week ago

@fdietze The SQLite JDBC driver team has merged the PR. Once they release, I will release a new version of SchemaCrawler.