Trying to figure out:
Say I write a new-article, and in this article I cite a twitter post of president Trump.
I am quoting Trump through a socialMediaPosting with hastags and links to other twitter users, and in a way I am citing this twitter post.
I think better examples are required, maybe a change in the way these relate to each other.
(also btw, how do I mark up a username such as @realdonaldtrump ?)
Trying to figure out: Say I write a new-article, and in this article I cite a twitter post of president Trump. I am quoting Trump through a socialMediaPosting with hastags and links to other twitter users, and in a way I am citing this twitter post.
I think better examples are required, maybe a change in the way these relate to each other.
(also btw, how do I mark up a username such as @realdonaldtrump ?)