schemaorg / suggestions-questions-brainstorming

Suggestions, questions, and brainstorming
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Implement a mechanism for recording context-specific term definitions (textual at least) #191

Open danbri opened 8 years ago

danbri commented 8 years ago

We very often have the following workflow:

Generally re-use is good, but it has meant some of our highly re-used properties have definitions that have tended either towards being very bland ("the of the item"), or else being lists of types ("the of the Event, Order, ScholarlyArticle, Person or MedicalCondition").

We should consider allowing per-type documentation strings to be recorded, and to be reflected into the site. I suggest we only do this if/when we integrate a JSON-LD parser into the site tooling (via rdflib), because the markup would be rather complex in RDFa.

Here's an example:

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "rdfs:Property",
  "rdfs:label": "audience",
  "rdfs:comment": "An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created.",
  "rangeIncludes": "Audience",
      "@type": "Role",
      "customComment": "The intended audience of the course.",
      "about": {
        "@id": ""

Triples (from json-ld playground parser):

Of course this would only be worth doing if we integrated the text back into our site somewhere.

Related issues: JSON-LD support; multi-lingual labels.

danbri commented 8 years ago

This only really makes sense after we get the ability to write schemas in JSON-LD. see also schemaorg/schemaorg#178 (do we have an issue for actually using rdflib to permit json-ld schemas? can't find one...).

danbri commented 3 years ago

I don't like the Role-based design sketched here, but this is a common situation. Parties using are naturally inclined towards re-use, but the more they re-use rather than create new terms, the less they're provided with a surface for documenting and defining. There is some connection to the notion of shapes here - see

Tagging this for continued discussion in the suggestions-questions-brainstorming repo

RichardWallis commented 3 years ago

See issue #7 for the context of the move from the main issue tracker to this repository.