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query re: game achievement #45

Open SignpostMarv opened 4 years ago

SignpostMarv commented 4 years ago

I've been pondering marking up video game achievements (steam/xbox/uplay, etc.) with structured data, and ~while it seems like it'd be an Event~ with the about prop set to a VideoGame, but that doesn't quite seem to fit- achievements don't so much have a start date, they tend have a status of achieved/not achieved, and some have a progress bar, where the units relate to either an in-game action or an in-game item.


(added 26th November) having another look, Action or AchieveAction with an object of VideoGame with the agent set to the player, avatar (Person) or guild, group, team (Organization) seems like a potential fit, but beyond actionStatus of CompletedActionStatus there doesn't appear to be a fit for "progress", except maybe for slapping one of the StructuredValue types into the instrument property?

A more general description of a VideoGame achievement is a named goal, with a list of one or more requirement sets (for achievements that have multiple paths to completion), defined by a Person/Organization, with a result/reward.

Taken in even more general terms, an "achievement" could also be an entry on a to-do/bucket list (learn language/skill, visit location, etc.), where the target of learning a language is also the agent (to borrow Action verbage).

jmarks commented 4 years ago

You might consider Open Badges and Badge Pathways.

SignpostMarv commented 4 years ago

@jmarks ~wouldn't steam/microsoft/google etc. need to be an issuer?~ seems to be a different use-case there.

RichardWallis commented 4 years ago

See issue #7 for the context of the move from the main issue tracker to this repository.